From Principal Desk

Mrs. Abhilasha Sharma

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to PD PUBLIC SCHOOL. When I first came here, I knew that I would be joining a ‘family’, that was honest, proactive and willing to try out new things, open to feedback, caring, safe and knowledgeable, with a passion for holistic development of young learners.

Choosing a new school for your children is a very important decision, with which you are faced. Why should you choose P. D Public School? You will experience: A safe, trusting and caring environment.

The learning and development of your children are at the heart of everything that we do. We look forward to working together with you in partnership – the School, the parents, your children and all stakeholders - to share  in the all round development of your children and to achieve excellence with a commitment to lifelong learning, ‘preparing students to embrace the opportunities and challenges they may encounter tomorrow’.

Our Mission & Vision

To provide carring nurturing environment for development of knowledge,skill and character to build successful and responsible citizen for the future. The School is recognised and affiliated to C.B.S.E. Delhi for all india secondary school examination.

Our Objective

1- To make student aware of enviromental and other global issues.
2- To prepare our student for future.
3- Nurturing every child's individuality and preparing him to be multi achiever.
4- To provide nuturing,friendly,safe,encouraging climate which would recognize each students as important and unique.